
What Postpartum Depression Can Feel Like

What Postpartum Depression Can Feel Like

It’s a few days after you’ve given birth, the celebratory phone calls are still coming in all you feel is sadness all the way down to your gut. Although the emotions are unexpected and less than welcome, postpartum depression can be common among new mothers. Up to one in seven women experience PPD after their first child even though it...[ read more ]

What Does Postpartum Depression Feel Like?

What Does Postpartum Depression Feel Like?

Most new mothers are handed their swaddled baby along with a brochure about postpartum depression (PPD) when they are discharged from the hospital. And while it’s great that awareness of PPD is growing, each woman’s experience of it can vary greatly and include everything from obsessive anxiety, OCD, to a sense of disconnect to unremitting rageA tiny brochure simply can’t...[ read more ]

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